Thursday, November 20, 2008

Safe and Sound in Ireland

Hi everyone!

Well, my flights went very well... I arrived early in both destinations. Both flights had empty seats so we were free to move around and sit where we wanted... except for in first class, damn! The food on the plane was terrible!! There were two choices, 3 cheese pasta or chicken and rice. Trying to make the healthier choice, I chose chicken and and rice. The rice was mushy and the chicken extremely dry. I didn't even eat half of it. The flight from Philadelphia to Dublin was about 6.5 hours long, I think I slept about two.

Anyway, Jess met me at the airport in Dublin and we took a cab back to her place. As you can imagine, I was pooched! I arrived in Dublin at 9am their time which is like 4am our time. We just hung out at her place all day and relaxed with some of her roommates. I didn't nap because I think that's the best way to get over jet lag.

We went out last night to an Australian bar called Welshed or something like that. Turns out we picked a weird night to go out 'cause it was Brasilian night at the Aussie bar... weird! We weren't really feeling it so we didn't stay too too long.
Oh, there was also a football [soccer] match last night here in Dublin. It was Ireland vs. Poland and the streets were packed with people. We could hear the crowd from the stadium from Jess' and Holly's place! Of course, they only live a few doors down from it, but still. I think Poland won, but there is a huge Polish population here so it was still just as crazy.

Today I'm just hanging around their place and checking for apartments online. I think I'm going to see a couple tomorrow, so hopefully one of them works out and then I'll have a place to call my own!

Love you all and take care,



Phil said...

Hi Lisa,

Glad to hear you made it ther safely...
Take care and stay in touch...

Love ya!
Phil and Shauna

grandmahelen302 said...

Hi Lisa, great way to keep in touch, but not as good as seeing you or hearing your voice. I am trying to set up my skype acct.

hope your future visits to pubs will be more interesting than your first...and hope your search for new digs works out...your parents haven't rented your room yet, so you still have a place to come back to.
love you much

stacey.gibbs said...

Hi Lisa,

how's the flat letting (renting) coming along? My skype account is done but not really sure how to use it yet....i'll have to read up.

hope you're having a great time!

love you,
Stacey & Robbie

p.s. kisses from Ollie xxx