Friday, November 28, 2008

Luck of the Canuck..?

Ugh, I just wrote an entry and then it got deleted... very annoying!!

Anyway, I got a job!!

Today was round 2 of job hunting, and it paid off! I was feeling like it wasn't going to, though. So many places say they're not hiring and won't even take a CV. Just as I was about to call it a day, I walked into a pub that's about a 10-15 minute walk from my flat. They also told me they weren't hiring but that they'd take my CV just in case. We were joking around a bit, talking a bit about Canada, etc. Then I left. One of the managers literally chased me down the road and asked me to go back with him to the restaurant. He explained to me that everyone is on a trial basis when they start, and one of the girls isn't quite cutting it. So that's where I come in! My first shift is on Sunday at 3pm and it's only for a few hours. The place is called the Bull & Castle, and from what I can see everyone seems nice and friendly. So I'm very happy!! They're also closed for a few days over Christmas, so I may take a mini holiday with Jess, Holly, and Abbie [their Aussie flatmate]. I'm pretty excited!!!

Other than that, not much else is going on. For tonight, I'll probably grab a quick bite to eat and then get ready here, then head off to Jess' and Holly's to predrink, then off to a club. Tomorrow night we're going back to Whelan's. I think Whelan's is quickly becoming my new favourite pub, other than the one I work at, of course! ;)

It's actually pretty cold here today... I can see my breath! But no snow. It's kind of weird to see all the Christmas decorations up with no snow around, not that I'm complaining. My flatmates have never even seen snow! Oh, the joys of growing up in Brasil.

Have a good weekend everyone!



grandmahelen302 said...

Congrats on your success in job hunting, Lisa....I have had a few managers run after me, too, but not usually to hire me. I am proud of you, and happy for you By the way, next time you go to Whelan's you should tell them about how the Friel's stuck up for Patrick Whelan, when he was accused, and hung for the shooting of Darcy this day, the Friel's still use Whelan's funeral home, to show their support for the Whelan's....(this may get you a free drink...I can send you more info on this if you want it.
love you,

stacey.gibbs said...

Congrats on the successful job hunt and awesome that it's close to your flat!
Have fun at Whelan's and good luck on the first day at the job!!

miss and love you

The Geezer said...

Hey Kiddo - Great Blog !! Sounds like you are having a blast and kissing a bit of the Blarney !! Hopefully things will settle down with a bit more stability on the job hunt. I saw your Grandma last week and she clued me into your Blog - she is a great Lady - runs in the family for sure !! Well I have to run - KP next week - Joe C says Hi.

The Geezer