Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hitting the pavement...

So today I hit the pavement and applied at thirteen different places. I spent the whole afternoon walking around the south side of Dublin... it was nice! I applied at pubs, shops, hotels, and one hostel. A couple of them look promising, so here's hoping! Unfortunately, a lot of places aren't hiring because of the recession. One bartender/owner told me he's actually letting people go. He's been in this business 37 years and this is the worst he's seen it. Ouch. Hopefully this doesn't effect me! I'm sure I'll find something.

Last night a few of us went to a bar called The Mezz, which has different genres of music on different nights. Last night was cool because there was band playing The Doors and AC/DC and stuff. I tried to apply at The Mezz today but they weren't open. So I'll wait and see.

I think we'll be going out again tonight, I'm not sure where but I'd like to check out the Porterhouse, which is a pub. As you can see, pubs are an important part of Irish culture!! haha.

I'm pretty well settled into my new flat, except I still haven't done groceries..! Oops. I guess I should do that tonight. I'm also still not fully unpacked 'cause I don't have enough hangers. I have to go buy some... obviously I'm not the lightest packer!! Oh, and to answer your question Grandma, we have TV in my flat but just basic cable. I don't see any of my favourite shows, but I'm sure I could find somewhere online that will play them. I've been watching some Irish and British TV, and it's a bit weird for sure. And lots of swearing in the evening!

As for now, I think I'm going to relax until my friends are done work and then get ready to go out!



grandmahelen302 said...

oh my gaawwd! I hope you don't come back to Ottawa, swearing and drinking all the time....people will think that you learned that from me!

Anonymous said...

hey hun! sounds like ur having a blast...hope those jobs pan out! keep us posted!--val