Friday, January 23, 2009

Recession Stressin'

Still on the job hunt. It seems like everyone is! I called a couple of my temp agencies today just to touch base so they don't forget about me. It's kind of stressful not having a job. Yesterday I applied at a hair salon for the receptionist position. It's in a very central area so I'm sure many other people applied for the job as well. Hopefully I find something soon! Dublin is just too expensive not to be working!

Tuesday night I went out with Renata, her friend Erika, and Erika's flatmate Valentina. Valentina had just arrived from Torino, Italy and can barely speak English. But she's very nice so we'll be hanging out again! We went to one bar that has 2 euro drinks on Tuesdays. Obviously the place was packed! Then it had to be evacuated because there was a bomb scare. This was still fairly early on in the night, so we went to another bar called The Mezz. We had loads of fun there! There was a band and they were playing The Doors, Nirvana, AC/DC, etc. They were actually pretty good! Then we went to et another bar after, it's a club that is opened later than most so a lot of people go there after the first bar they went to. It's called Copper Face Jack's and it's well-known in Dublin but no one really likes it, or will actually admit they do. haha! Anyway, needless to say we had a very good night on Tuesday!

Wednesday was kind of a write-off. I slept till 1pm, which I never do! And then I basically just slept all day... so productive, eh?!

Yesterday I walked around town a bit, dropped off my CV at that hair salon, bought some hummus which is kind of weird but oh well! hahah. I kind of miss Canadian food. The comfort of knowing what you're going to get... but that's part of the joy of travelling, right?!
Pedro's family arrived from Spain; his brother, sister-in-law, and sister. They brought over delicious food, it was so good! I love Spanish food. When Pedro moves back to Spain I'm definitely going to visit him and pig out everyday! They are from Majorca, Spain which is really quite beautiful. It's kind of close to Ibiza, if that helps. I just did a quick google search and came up with these photos. No wonder he has a hard time believing me about the cold Canadian winters!!

Pedro and his family left today to drive around Ireland for a few days, which is something I'd really love to do. They were nervous about driving on the other side of the road, so hopefully they're okay! I know I was nervous just crossing the street, let alone driving [even though I don't have my license...].

I may be going out with Valentina tonight but I'm not sure. Tomorrow night I'm going to Whelan's with Holly and Heather. Should be fun, as usual! Then on Sunday I'll be going to a concert with Holly. We're seeing The Streets, who are based out of London. I don't know if they've ever been to Canada, so I'm pretty excited to see Mike Skinner and The Streets.

Have a good weekend everyone, I know I will!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Feelin Alright

So, I'm back to job hunting...

Last week I had an interview for door to door sales and the guy told me I should have been in sales ages ago. So I tried it out for a few days and it was brutal. Walking around for hours on end, knocking on people's doors trying to get them to donate to charity during a recession is not the easiest thing to do! Plus, you don't get paid by the hour, only by commission. I tried it out for a few days but the whole setup seemed a bit dodgy and my feet just couldn't handle it. Hey, I'm used to working in an office! But the people I worked with were so fun and extremely nice, so I'll definitely miss that about the job. I also got to go to places in Dublin I wouldn't normally go to... the suburbs and whatnot. I went to Swords one day, and it's right along the coast and it was beautiful. But I didn't get to see much 'cause I was working..!

Yesterday I had a meeting with another temp agency so she said she'd try to find me a job. Hopefully I'll get something soon. I'll probably hit the pavement tomorrow and apply at retil shops or something... we'll see. I'm looking forward to having a steady income so I can start travelling around Ireland and the rest of Europe.

I've still been going out a lot! It's fun to check out new pubs and meet new people. There's no shortage of pubs and interesting people here, that's for sure.

On Saturday my flatmates and I are hosting a BBQ. I think we're the only ones here with a BBQ so we may as well use it! I'm thinking of making a pasta salad because that's pretty hard to screw up... hahah.

It hasn't rained here for awhile, but it started to today and I don't think it'll stop for another week, probably. We even had sunshine the past couple of days, so we should be grateful for that! I got to wear my sunglasses! A real rarity in Dublin.

People always comment on my accent here. It's so funny 'cause to me they're the ones with the accent! I often get people asking me if I'm American... and my answer is always "NO! I'm North American... I'm from Canada," and they always apologize. If they're Irish, I tell them that calling me American is like me calling them English... which they absolutely hate! hahah.

The other night I watched the movie In The Name of The Father with Daniel Day Lewis. Some of that movie is filmed right near my place! The jail in the movie is literally a 10 minute walk from my flat. It's now a museum. I visited it when I first came to Dublin in May, it's actually called Kilmainham Gaol. Pretty cool, eh?

Not much else is going on. The rest of my week is pretty booked -- I'm meeting friends every night this week [except Saturday, the day of the BBQ!] at a different pub each time. By the end of this year I'm sure I would have visited at least half of Dublin's pubs... hahah, yeah right! There's just too many to even count. It's like a piece of heaven on earth.

Monday, January 5, 2009

A little late...

Well, the last time I updated was Christmas Eve, and as you can imagine, much has happened since then!

My Christmas was nice, spent with friends. It was weird to be away from home, but at least I was with other people who were in the same boat.

I have been going out a lot [surprise, surprise!], went to a gig at Whelan's, been pub/club hopping, etc.

Jess and Holly left for their EuroTrip on the 28th. It's weird with them not being here! But I'm okay, since I have new friends. :)

On Jess' last night we [there were about six of us] went to her favourite club, Craw Daddy. We met a few guys and one of their girlfriends. All three of the guys are correctional officers! So obviously we exchanged some stories, and they work at Mount Joy, which apparently is one of, if not the, worst prison in Ireland. So they told me they would take me one day. I hope so, because it'd be cool to compare Canadian and Irish prisons. But from what they told me it sounds like Canada's are wayyyy better. No comparison, really.
Anyway, after the club we all went back to their flat. Oh God, it was so funny! Those guys + Grace [one of their girlfriends] are hilarious. I've hung out with them a few times since. :)

On the 30th, David and I hung out. He drove us to Sandymount [or something...] to see some of the coast [along the Irish sea]. It was a typical windy, foggy Irish day... but at least it wasn't raining! I have some photos on facebook.

New Year's Eve was fun. I met up with a Canadian girl, Heather, I met at work. Then we went to my flatmate's, Renata, friend's place for a late dinner and drinks. There were a few people and we rang in the Spanish new year there [they're one hour ahead in Spain]. In Spain, it's tradition to eat 12 grapes once the clock strikes midnight... so they had 12 grapes for each person there! It was cute!
Then we went to a pub called The Church. It really does look like a church, but I don't think it ever really was one. I doubt it because Ireland is so friggin Catholic that I'd doubt they'd ever let a church become a pub... but who knows! So we were having fun there, but around 1:30am we decided we wanted to go somewhere else. So went to Flannery's which is right across the street from Whelan's. :P
After Flannery's no one wanted to go home, so we went to a house party. I didn't go to bed till after 7am! hahah. Needless to say, not much was accomplished on January 1st...

Friday night I was just going to stay home, but Pedro convinced me to go out. We went to a pub where they play Irish music and there's no cover charge. It was pretty good! We stayed there for awhile, but then we went to another pub... I think it was called Grogan's. As you can see, there's no shortage of pubs here! hahah. Then they wanted to go another pub, but I was so tired because I had worked all day and I was still recovering from NYE... so I left early!

Saturday night was my flatmate's, Junior, leaving party. He's going back to Brasil forever..! So his party was at The Church. It was so much fun. I met a lot of Junior's friends, and they're hilarious. So we exchanged info and will be hanging out even though Junior will be gone. I said "eh?" once to them and they absolutely loved it. hahah.

Last night I just hung out with the flatmates and watched The Usual Suspects. I love that movie!

Tonight, we'll be hanging out here till Renata is back from work then we'll be going to a pub called the Brazen Head. It's about a 1 minute walk from my place and is apparently the oldest pub in Dublin. So we have to check it out!

I'm anxious to get a steady job so I can start travelling more. I'd really like to see Galway and a lot more of Ireland. I'd also really like to check out Scotland... just short day/weekend trips would suffice. So here's hoping I get a steady job soon!
