Friday, November 28, 2008

Luck of the Canuck..?

Ugh, I just wrote an entry and then it got deleted... very annoying!!

Anyway, I got a job!!

Today was round 2 of job hunting, and it paid off! I was feeling like it wasn't going to, though. So many places say they're not hiring and won't even take a CV. Just as I was about to call it a day, I walked into a pub that's about a 10-15 minute walk from my flat. They also told me they weren't hiring but that they'd take my CV just in case. We were joking around a bit, talking a bit about Canada, etc. Then I left. One of the managers literally chased me down the road and asked me to go back with him to the restaurant. He explained to me that everyone is on a trial basis when they start, and one of the girls isn't quite cutting it. So that's where I come in! My first shift is on Sunday at 3pm and it's only for a few hours. The place is called the Bull & Castle, and from what I can see everyone seems nice and friendly. So I'm very happy!! They're also closed for a few days over Christmas, so I may take a mini holiday with Jess, Holly, and Abbie [their Aussie flatmate]. I'm pretty excited!!!

Other than that, not much else is going on. For tonight, I'll probably grab a quick bite to eat and then get ready here, then head off to Jess' and Holly's to predrink, then off to a club. Tomorrow night we're going back to Whelan's. I think Whelan's is quickly becoming my new favourite pub, other than the one I work at, of course! ;)

It's actually pretty cold here today... I can see my breath! But no snow. It's kind of weird to see all the Christmas decorations up with no snow around, not that I'm complaining. My flatmates have never even seen snow! Oh, the joys of growing up in Brasil.

Have a good weekend everyone!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hitting the pavement...

So today I hit the pavement and applied at thirteen different places. I spent the whole afternoon walking around the south side of Dublin... it was nice! I applied at pubs, shops, hotels, and one hostel. A couple of them look promising, so here's hoping! Unfortunately, a lot of places aren't hiring because of the recession. One bartender/owner told me he's actually letting people go. He's been in this business 37 years and this is the worst he's seen it. Ouch. Hopefully this doesn't effect me! I'm sure I'll find something.

Last night a few of us went to a bar called The Mezz, which has different genres of music on different nights. Last night was cool because there was band playing The Doors and AC/DC and stuff. I tried to apply at The Mezz today but they weren't open. So I'll wait and see.

I think we'll be going out again tonight, I'm not sure where but I'd like to check out the Porterhouse, which is a pub. As you can see, pubs are an important part of Irish culture!! haha.

I'm pretty well settled into my new flat, except I still haven't done groceries..! Oops. I guess I should do that tonight. I'm also still not fully unpacked 'cause I don't have enough hangers. I have to go buy some... obviously I'm not the lightest packer!! Oh, and to answer your question Grandma, we have TV in my flat but just basic cable. I don't see any of my favourite shows, but I'm sure I could find somewhere online that will play them. I've been watching some Irish and British TV, and it's a bit weird for sure. And lots of swearing in the evening!

As for now, I think I'm going to relax until my friends are done work and then get ready to go out!


Monday, November 24, 2008

"Thirty-three and the Third"

So, as most of you already know, I found a flat!!! It's literally a two minute walk from the Guinness Storehouse [which is where you would go for the tour of the Guinness brewery]. My flat is great; everything is brand new... we are the first tenants living here! All [3] of my flatmates are Brazilian and about 27. They're all really nice and helpful... thank God!!
It's only about a 20 minute walk for me to get to Temple Bar [comparable to the market in Ottawa but wayyyy better] , which is where I'm hoping to get a job in a pub..! Don't worry, I won't be walking home alone!!

I've been going out every night and loving it, of course!! Tonight is my first, and much needed, night in. I'm so tired! I think I'm still a bit jet-lagged plus I'm pretty sure the partying every night adds to it [haha]. Last night we [Jess, Holly, and two Irish guys that Holly knows] went to a pub called Whalen's. It's a pretty popular pub here, and apparently there's a scene from the movie P.S. I Love You that was filmed there. One of the guys told us that, but he swears he only knew because two American girls told him [yeah right!]. I did take some photos but I haven't uploaded them yet...

We recently discovered that it's really funny to get Irish people to say "Thirty-three and the third". If you ever get the chance, ask an Irishman to say it and you'll see what I mean!!

Lots of foreigners here. Aussies, Kiwis, Spanish, French, etc. It's cool to meet people from all around the world and hear all the accents and sayings they have. And obviously everyone loves Canadians!!

Okay, well it's 12:30am here [they would actually say "half twelve" which is kind of confusing], and it's time for me to go to bed!

Cheers from Dublin!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Safe and Sound in Ireland

Hi everyone!

Well, my flights went very well... I arrived early in both destinations. Both flights had empty seats so we were free to move around and sit where we wanted... except for in first class, damn! The food on the plane was terrible!! There were two choices, 3 cheese pasta or chicken and rice. Trying to make the healthier choice, I chose chicken and and rice. The rice was mushy and the chicken extremely dry. I didn't even eat half of it. The flight from Philadelphia to Dublin was about 6.5 hours long, I think I slept about two.

Anyway, Jess met me at the airport in Dublin and we took a cab back to her place. As you can imagine, I was pooched! I arrived in Dublin at 9am their time which is like 4am our time. We just hung out at her place all day and relaxed with some of her roommates. I didn't nap because I think that's the best way to get over jet lag.

We went out last night to an Australian bar called Welshed or something like that. Turns out we picked a weird night to go out 'cause it was Brasilian night at the Aussie bar... weird! We weren't really feeling it so we didn't stay too too long.
Oh, there was also a football [soccer] match last night here in Dublin. It was Ireland vs. Poland and the streets were packed with people. We could hear the crowd from the stadium from Jess' and Holly's place! Of course, they only live a few doors down from it, but still. I think Poland won, but there is a huge Polish population here so it was still just as crazy.

Today I'm just hanging around their place and checking for apartments online. I think I'm going to see a couple tomorrow, so hopefully one of them works out and then I'll have a place to call my own!

Love you all and take care,


Sunday, November 9, 2008


So, last night was my surprise party at Liam Maguire's! Needless to say, I was completely surprised. I had NO idea. But now we're going to have to get a new venue for surprise parties!!

Having everyone in the same room last night made me realize how lucky I am to have such amazing family and friends. I love you all and will miss you while I'm in Ireland.

I'll be updating this blog as much as I can while I'm overseas. And now that Mom & Dad got me my little netbook [so small it could fit in my purse], it will be a lot easier to stay in touch!

P.S. If anyone has photos from last night, please send them to me! Thanks!

Nine more days..!
