Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy [green] Christmas

My weekend was good. On Friday night I went to Whelan's with my flatmate, Renata and we had a great time! I met an Irish guy named David who is living in San Francisco and has been for the past six years. He's here visiting his family for the holidays. He's very nice and we got in touch on Saturday and spent the day together, he took me around Dublin which was nice because he knows places that I obviously don't!

We went to Christ Church Cathedral, which begun in 1038..! Very old, so much history, it's amazing. In the basement of the cathedral, there's the crypt. Kinda creepy!

The mumified remains of a cat and rat found in an organ pipe during renovations, it is assumed the cat was chasing the rat and got stuck. These pair made an appearance in one of James Joyces books, "as stuck as that cat to that mouse in that tube of that Christchurch organ".
Creepy!! I didn't take a photo of that... it's forever ingrained in my mind, so I just borrowed this photo from the net.

Anyway, after that we did DUBLINIA, which shows how Dublin was settled and how it progressed until the medieval times. It's crazy how people lived back then. This was definitely a place worth visiting!

And after that, we went to Trinity College. The campus is beautiful. We went to the old library to see the Book of Kells, but it wasn't there. So admission was 50% off. There were copies of the book, so we got to see that. We also saw the very old part of the library with extremely old books. It was amazing... like something out of a Harry Potter movie!

Finally, David took me to probably "the smallest pub in the world", called The Dawson Lounge. This place is TINY. Only has a capacity of about 30. And this place was packed, seems to be quite popular. Or it may only seem that way 'cause it doesn't take much to fill it! But we had a lot of fun there. We met a few guys, who were loads of fun.

Saturday night Holly came over to my place to predrink, then we went to a pub, The Thomas House, near my place where one of her friends was DJing. After his set we went another bar, and stayed there till close. Met a few new people too! It's not very hard to make friends here because everyone is very friendly and they all love Canadians. haha.

As you can imagine, I was very tired on Sunday and I knew I'd be working 11 hours on Monday. So I didn't do much on Sunday, which was kind of a nice change!

Monday I started my new job at the Irish Stock Exchange. I was kinda nervous about it, but I had no reason to be. It's very quiet because most people are on holidays, and the people that are actually here are very nice. I worked till 5:30 then I went off to my other job and worked till 8:30. After that I went to Whelan's for a show [I should say "gig" since that is what they call concerts here] with Jess, David, David's sister and her friend. It was good fun. The other three left and Jess and I stayed and drank a bit too much. We ran into friends there too, so we had a great time!

Yesterday morning was brutal, but I made it into work in time and looking fine..! hahah. Last night I didn't anything except watch a movie with my flatmates. And around 2:30am this morning, our fire alarm went off. We figure it was because the heating was on too high and we leaned some clothes against one of the radiators. But everything is fine, it was just a rude and very annoying wake-up call.

So today is Christmas Eve and I'm at work. I only work till 1pm today so it's not too bad. After this I have to go to the supermarket... Not really looking forward to dealing with the crowds, but oh well! I'm not 100% sure of my plans tonight, I've been invited to Renata's friend's party, but I'm not sure what Jess and Holly are up to yet. Tomorrow we're having lasagna for dinner... one vegetaraian, and one meat-lovers. One of their flatmates, Ludie, is a cook so apparently he'll be cooking up a storm. Yum!


Love you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa

Merry Christmas, sounds like your having a blast in Ireland. What is the temperature there?
Congrats on the employment! and have a shot for me.
